
编辑:中国驻缅大使馆 文章类型:缅甸新闻 发布于2014-12-28 10:36:14 共1696人阅读
文章导读 中国驻缅甸大使馆就莱比塘铜矿警民冲突事件发表声明









Statement on the Police-Villager Clashes in Letpadaung

Mining Area by the Chinese Embassy in Yangon

  The Chinese Embassy has been informed through multiple resources that recently clashes between the villagers and police have taken place near the Letpadaung mining area. Both the Myanmar villagers and policemen have been injured to varied extent, and regretfully one female villager was dead. We express our deep condolence over the death of the villager and the loss of her family. We express our deep sorrow on the unfortunate event, and hope it could be handled appropriately. Meanwhile, we notice that in the turmoil the Chinese workers, who are peacefully implementing the project, have been attacked without lawful excuse. We are concerned of the casualties and injuries of Chinese citizens caused by the attacks.

  The Letpadaung mining project is an important joint project between China and Myanmar, and we support the Letpadaung project to be implemented in a peaceful and secure manner, and oppose to any kind of violence. We believe that violence will not help to resolve the problem. With regard to the tragedy, we expect further results of investigation by the authority.

  China and Myanmar are traditional neighbors. Mutually beneficial cooperation is to the common interest of both sides. Chinese government consistently requires overseas Chinese enterprises to abide by the laws and regulations in the host countries, while carrying out social responsibility and obligations and focusing on environment protection. China is willing to work together with the Myanmar side, on mutually beneficial cooperative projects, to promote the economic and social development on the ground, as well as contribute to the welfare of both countries and both peoples.


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